Athas' Tilt (Obliquity) High Sun and Low Sun - Solstices and Equinoxes

 What is the tilt of Athas?

Considering planet Earth has a tilt of approximately 23.5 degrees, this is what gives us the different seasons and also give the solstices and equinoxes.

Athas can be assumed to have a tilt.  The books never specify what this tilt may be in degrees, but is does mention that Athasians do celebrate a "High Sun" when the sun is higher is the sky and a "Low Sun" when the sun is lowest in the sky.  These are the equivalent of our Summer Solstice and Winter Solstices respectively. 

These occur on the following dates in the Athasian Calendar.  

Summer Solstice (High Sun) happens on the first day of the year.  Dominary 1st.

Winter Solstice (Low Sun) happens on Morrow 3rd.

The Equinoxes are midway between the above points.  I refer to them as the "Descending Equinox and the Ascending Equinox" equivalent to our Fall Equinox and Spring Equinox 

These occur on the following dates in the Athasian Calendar

Descending Equinox  - Anabasis 2nd

Ascending Equinox - Macro 4th

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